Employer: University of Cardiff
Scholarship Description: As the impacts of climate change begin to be felt in the UK and throughout the world a critical issue will be the response of affected communities and sectors to increasing levels of risk. A significant proportion of the world’s populations currently live in the coastal zone and important sectors (e.g., tourism, energy, shipping) are dependent on coastal areas, making adaptation and protection from sea level risk and extreme weather a vital human and financial issue.
Transforming the coastal zone will require both physical protection and planning, but also a level of understanding and engagement by affected populations and organisations.
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Research in the past, however, has indicated that most individuals view climate change as a distant problem affecting other people or future generations, suggesting that community engagement will not prove a simple matter.
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Industry and other stakeholder responses to climate change risk have also tended to be limited, and can vary by sector and organisation. Accordingly adaptation policies and proposals may fail or be the object of significant controversy without appropriate understanding, deliberation and ‘buy in’ from those who will be affected by any changes to the coastal zone.
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