If you have ever wondered as to who forms a link between a job opportunity and you, then the answer is: a recruiter who forms the bridge, apart from destiny off course. A recruiter’s job is to identify, test and interview prospective job applicants for employment opportunities. Recruiters normally specialize in certain domains, like IT recruiters or BPO (call center) recruiters or even overseas job recruiters.
Recruiters often go through job portals for resumes related to their field of recruitment. They are also a part of the team for on-campus recruiting where they visit colleges and universities to pick up suitable candidates.
Other versions of the same tree (recruiters) are employment recruiters, personnel recruiters, placement specialists etc.
Educational Aspects
After bachelors, students can move on to take up masters in business administration with specialization in human resource or recruiting. After getting the necessary education, one can apply for apprenticeship with consultancies. The employment outlook is quite good, so direct placements from the college campus are more than possible.
Campuses supporting master’s program often have placement cells, which help students with the initial job opportunities. During admissions, any internet based online university degree search will yield you hundreds of colleges; it is advised to get an unbiased review of all the aspects of the college or the university before you sign the admission papers.
Job Opportunities
All types of companies have their own recruiting teams. Consultancies are forefront in hiring recruiters for their frame of work. The employment outlook and salary aspects are heavily dependent on the industry you are working with and the place of job (metropolitan areas yield better pay packages).
Career Growth
An experienced recruiter may go on to open up a consultancy on his/her own. Various companies align with consultancies to cover job openings. They do so for a pre-decided commission; this commission is based on the post with respect to the applicant. Often, recruiting executives become recruiting managers and handle a small to medium sized team. They can enter other fields as well, like training, administration etc.
Lastly, with the advent of IT, recruiters are in heavy demand and the pay packages are also excellent.