I was very fortunate enough to take the FASD certificate program from the child welfare institute at the Toronto Children’s Aide Society, one of the first things our Instructor, Donna Debolt said was much of what we learn are going to be in sound bites, little sentences that will have great impact when trying to help people understand the disability.
If you have spent any time with me or have come to one of my trainings I use these statements all the time. So what I am going to do is give you the 10 best ones I have heard so you can use on your journey to becoming SUPER ADVOCATE. I must say though that these are general statements and not all will apply to your child just pick the best ones that you can use and start USING THEM. These are listed in no particular order.
Top Ten:
1. Children with FASD are 10 second kids in a 1 second world.
2. People with FASD need someone to explain them to the world, and to explain the world to them.
3. They’re only as good as their last 5 minutes
4.People with FASD pass tests but fail at life. Or They can do math, but can they make toast?
5.People with FASD would rather look like they’re bad then disabled.
6. If the work is not about the environment it’s not going to work.
7. People with FASD fall apart because they can’t
8. I’m bored” translates to I don’t know what to do.
9. When we give Children with Fetal Alcohol more than they can do, that’s when we see behaviours.
10. People with FASD have the words none of the ability.
BONUS!!!!!! You can’t convince Children with FASD that their thinking is off because their thinking is OFF.
If you use these soundbites chances are you will be able to make people stop and think. You are the best advocate for someone with FASD chances are you didn’t sign up for this assignment. I also believe that if your reading this you are the best person for the job; educate as many people that will listen. There is nothing better than seeing the look on people’s faces when they start to understand where you are coming from. Keep practicing and soon enough you will start to see that face more often than not. Until next time keep up the good work and remember YOU’RE NOT CRAZY!!!