The Five Parts of an Academic Term Paper

Several students discover that one of the most worrying elements of the college incident is writing a term paper. For some, an academic term paper is even more of an alien impression. The academic term paper consists of five main parts, which are:

1. Introduction

The academic term paper’s author should recognize the subject and clarify why it is significant. The introduction must be sufficiently enlightening, yet simple to follow. It should utter the difficulty as simply as feasible, taking into explanation the broader analysis of the discipline as a whole.

2. The Literature Review

A literature review is a part which narrates, classifies, appraises and quotes different authors research work which is related to your topic. It sets your work into that framework. It also produces an essential framework of study and does so with some standard of ordering the ideas. In some cases the literature review may not be a part of your academic term paper according to the guidelines of professors. Confirm with your professor for guidelines on the issue.

3. Body

The body is the all-purpose text of a term paper. In this section you provide certain evidence regarding your academic term paper theme or topic, explaining what happened. Every thing between literature review and conclusion is a body part section of the academic term paper.

4. Conclusion

The conclusion may be the most vital part of an academic term paper. The author must not purely replicate the introduction part, but give details in evidential manner about what has been learned, enlightened, determined, verified, etc. The author must disclose the ways in which the academic term papers may have significance in society.

The conclusion may place academic term papers in a better framework, serve as a call for action, set forward a caution or proposition, deliberately make problems of the problems already introduced, hoist a question or questions, introduce an applicable reference, or tell a suitable story. Again, the author should not depend on the conclusion to sum up the paragraphs. Paragraphs should run logically into one another and associations should be made among them. The conclusion should not end with a statement that could very well be the matter of another paper. The past averts attention away from one as author and philosopher; the latter averts attention from what the author is passing on in the academic term paper.

5. References and/or Bibliography

The references lists books or other works consulted in writing the academic term paper. It must be integrated even if endnotes or footnotes are used in the academic term paper. The understanding of the references and the information in each entry is indomitable by the chosen citation style i.e. MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian, and many others as mentioned in the guidelines provided by professors.

In the references part, all cited resources should be listed in alphabetical order. Inside the text of the academic term paper, afterthought should show readers from where the author found all of the cited information. These textual citations permit the reader to refer to the references part for any further information regarding the topic or theme of the academic research paper.

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