The British International School Kyiv celebrates St. Valentine’s Day in line with English traditions

Winners of the St. Valentine's Day CompetitionIn the UK, school students usually celebrate St. Valentine’s Day by singing special “Valentine” songs and preparing small theatre plays for their parents. In order to accustom students to English traditions the British International School annually chooses a boy and a girl from among students who will represent their grade in the contest. Children prepare songs, dances and performances for the event.

The students demonstrated their talents in several challenges. Children had to talk about themselves in English and Ukrianian, answer puzzling questions in a quiz tournament, sing a song, perform a dance and paint each other’s portraits on the balloon.

A jury consisting of school faculty selected the winners, although they claim that the best couple was hard to choose, because all the students made great performances. For this reason, prizes were awarded in several nominations: the most elegant, smart and artistic. Finally, the representatives of two classes received the title of school female and male Valentines.

“Our students have been waiting for this event all year and prepare for it together with teachers and parents. They are happy to demonstrate their talents in front of the whole school. And for us the most important achievement is to see smiles on their faces”, said Maxim Makarov, the Deputy Director of the British International School and one of the event organizers.

“We are sure, that in the modern world it is really important to be confident in public, not to be shy in front of a room full of people. That is why we are trying to organize as many similar events as possible, to give our students a chance to test themselves in public performance. This practice should be mastered at childhood. Also it is mandatory for our students to attend drama lessons. We think that this way they will fell much more confident as they grow up”, commented Olga Zastavna, the General Director of the British International School.

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