Category Archives: use

While talking on Vibhuti Yoga chapter of the Bhagwad Geeta Lord Krishna says wherever in the world special qualities are seen know for sure that they are a special divine part of me. If certain special wealth is attained by only a few and not every layman know that it is a special grandeur and God in order to render his favorite garden called earth beautiful and advanced has gifted these glories. If we believe that this special wealth is achieved because of good deeds of past lifetimes eve......
to prevent bullying The moment Jack got on the school bus everyone groaned. He was so fat that someone would end up getting squashed. He felt bullied. In such instances tell your child this: Every time you say or do something to another living being, you get a response. It can range from extremely subtle, such as a raised eyebrow or a stare, to the very obvious, such as a mean tease or a kick in the shins. The response is called feedback. You use feedback to identify nice and nasty people.......