In previous generations, “blue collar” jobs didn’t require much training. However, with technological advances, the education requirements for these jobs have changed. One such area is the field of automotive services. Cars have become more technologically advanced, and technicians must obtain a post-secondary education by way of an apprenticeship program before embarking on their career. In 2002, there were approximately 818,000 automotive service technicians employed in......
Technical Analysis is a relatively new discipline that has yet to gain acceptance by the academic community. As a matter of fact, there are many objections from the academic folks citing the basis of technical analysis is unfounded. They brought up Random Walk Theory (RWH), Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)…etc. to dismiss the value of Technical Analysis. Fortunately, the existence of trend is indisputable and the emergence of Behavioral Finance has helped to explain the belief of Te......
Tutoring and other supplemental educational services are prevalent these days, especially with the enactment of the No Child Left Behind Act. Parents realize the benefits that qualified tutors can bring to their children’s education and find themselves looking for someone who can relate to their child and provide quality tutoring. Scanning bulletin boards or calling local colleges often proves to be laborious and unsuccessful. After all, who wants just anyone coming into their home to......