Studentship at Max Planck Institute

Studentship at Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding for Young Researchers , Germany

Study Subject:Identification of molecular markers for barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) resistance in maize

Employer:Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
Scholarship Description: The PhD student will contribute to the cooperative research project “Identification of molecular markers for barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) resistance in maize” between the MPIPZ, the Julius Kühn Institute, and plant breeding companies. The overall objective of this research project is to set the stage for marker assisted breeding of BYDV resistant maize. In order to achieve this, the pheno- and genotypic variation for BYDV resistance in segregating populations of maize as well as in an association mapping population will be assessed.

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The main tasks of the successful candidate are:
· Plan, perform, and analyze field and green house trials
· Genotype molecular markers in candidate genome regions
· Identify genome-regions contributing to phenotypic variation
· Analyse data and prepare scientific publications

For scholarship updates visit scholarships portal to get to know the latest happenings about various national and international scholarships and all the requirements for those scholarships.

Applicants should have a M.Sc. in agronomy or biology, or equivalent qualification. Basic knowledge of quantitative genetics and interest in population/quantitative genetic analyses is required. Practical experience with organizing, conducting, and analyzing field- and greenhouse experiments is highly advantageous.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 28 February 2011

For scholarship updates visit scholarships portal to get to know the latest happenings about various national and international scholarships and all the requirements for those scholarships.

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