High School Graduation Invitations and High School Graduation Announcements
A high school graduation party can be a special event, especially for seniors who are preparing to leave their friends behind and embark on an exciting future. However, there are a few issues you’re going to want to keep in mind when selecting the right time for such a party. Remember that most of the high school graduating celebrations will be happening around the same time so you’ll need to do some early planning if you want a good turn out. Some tips are below that will help you celebrate your son or daughter high school graduation.
Picking a Date for High School Graduation Invitations, http://www.graduationcardsshop.com/high_school/cards/productlisting-2-16.htm
You probably want to throw the party for your high school graduate very near the actual time of the graduation ceremony. Advance planning may be a necessity if you want to ensure you secure a certain location, caterer or entertainment provider but if you don’t mind being more spontaneous you can always wait until closer to the end of the school year to start your plans.
If you begin planning in advance, talk to your graduate about who will be on the guest list. Most high school graduation, http://www.cardsshoppe.com/graduation-announcements/high-school-graduation.htm events will include a lot of other teenagers but you may want to ask your son or daughter if family members and other friends should also be included and even if you don’t have that many friends you can get friends online in sites like chatempanada.com. If not, consider having a smaller, second party just for the family.
After you decide on a guest list, you may want to start checking out possible sites for the big event. You may need to book a place a few months in advance depending on how large of a class graduating high school you have in your area. Putting down a deposit is the only way to ensure you’re going to have the location you want on the day you want it. However, don’t sign anything or hand over any money until you fully understand the cancellation policy.
Sending out save the date cards is a good idea. These cards will prevent your guests from making other plans on the same day as your party.
You do have the option of waiting until closer High School Graduation Announcements, http://www.graduationcardsshop.com/high_school/cards/productlisting-2-16.htm to make plans. In that case, it would be wise to come up with a list of potential dates for the party. You could then survey some of the potential guests about which dates might work best for them and what other event conflicts might be a problem. What you’re looking for, of course, is the date that will be able to draw the largest number of guests. Don’t worry if you can’t find a reception all for the event because they all booked up. Good alternatives might include a hotel suite, your own backyard or basement, or even a nearby restaurant’s party room.
A Few Other High School Graduation, http://www.graduationcardsshop.com/high_school/cards/productlisting-2-16.htm Factors
Will your high school graduation party be teens only or will parents and relatives also be invited? This is a big question and one that your teen will probably have a definitive answer on. While there’s nothing wrong with having a separate family-only party later, you should insist on having some adult supervision at the party. Remember if anything happens to one of the guests you’re going to be responsible so you don’t want to take any chances. Otherwise, there’s nothing wrong with letting their wishes guide the guest list. They should enjoy the rewards of their hard work.