Indian Blind School India

Netraheen Vikas Sansthan (Blind School Jodhpur-Rajasthan-India ) is working for rehabilitation of blind, deaf dumb and mentally retarted students since last 33 years in Suncity Jodhpur by providing free education with boarding and lodging facility separately for boys and Girls. The School was started on 15th August 1977 with only two blind students the number of which has gone to 403 at present out of which 101 are girls. The school is registered with Registrar of Societies, Govt. of Rajasthan Vide Regd. No. 436/1978-79 and is recognised by Department of Education, Government of Rajasthan upto 12th standard. This is the only institute for girls with hostel facility in Rajasthan. The school is up to senior secondary level for blind. All the teachers many of whom are even blind also are well trained and highly qualified.


Lodging and Boarding
Many facilities provide by the institute for the blind student like, free lodging and boarding includingMorning tea , Breakfast , Lunch
afternoon tea / fruits and Dinner is served daily to more than 300 persons at a time.Every week special diet is also served. We keep atmost care of each and every student. Quality food and nutritious diet is ensured by management.

Mess :-

Design of school is make through morden and latest kitchen and pantry well equiped with all modern facilities like LPG pipe connections for various cooking outlets , floor mill , Refrigerators , water coolers etc. There are two separate Dinning halls for boys girls having sufficient dinning tables and chairs .


Music is a way of expressing our feelings and it is a common link between people of different cultures thereby bringing about a harmony of thoughts. Music can bring about a positive approach to life and enhance the level of spiritual thinking. The music subject is compulsory for class 1st to 8th and as an optional subject for class 11th 12th under which the training is given for all instruments like Guitar, Harmonium, Tabla , Drum , Piano , flute and Congo etc by trained music teachers.The school is having its own Orchestra party who usally performs on the Republic day, Independence day, official functions like Braille day, VIP/ donor visit to school and on various other occasions . Many awards have been received for their outstanding cultural programmes at National and District level.

Craft and Vocational Education:-

The craft education is compulsory from class 1st to 8th. The education includes of canning of chairs, weaving spinning of bed sheets towels on Handloom machines. The school arranges Learn and Earn program for the students ,and the students are paid for all these activities. They are also sent to Polytechnic College to attend special craft courses.

Braille Printing Machine :-

The school has imported special Braille printing machine from Sweden in the year 2001 with the help of funds given by the British High Commissioner Member of Parliament Late Dr.L.M.Singhvi . The machine is very useful for converting books of normal text matter into Braille script which is used by all the students for their schooling.

Audio Recording Facility:-

There are three mode of teaching to blind students mainly teaching in class room , secondly through Braille books and lastly by giving them audio cassettes on different subjects which they can hear later on to revise the course contents taught in the class room .There are 2768 recorded cassettes of different subject available as on date . The dubbing is done in school s Computer lab only with the latest equipments.

School Uniform
School uniform is also provided to all the students by the institution.

Medical Camp:-

In every session, we make available medical check up and medical facilities.

Eye Check Up:-

This year Eye camp was organized in ASG Hospital, some boys were given advice for operation. This is almost regular feature to keep the eye doctor in touch with students.

ENT Check Up:-

All deaf and dumb students are studying with the help of SPEECH TRAIMER. The eudiometry test is also in progress for hearing aid.

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