Important Criteria for Universities for International Students

At a university in the United States, a international student will have to deal with departments that most students do not have to deal with. These will include specialized staff members that work with international students. Unfortunately, not all universities have staff who are actually qualified to hold this position, but who hold it nonetheless. You can look for some indications that the staff is qualified to deal with the challenges you’ll face as a international student. First and foremost, make sure that the staff is associated with NAFSA, the National Association of Foreign Student Advisors.

The National Association of Foreign Student Advisors is an organization that makes sure that the people who work with foreign students are qualified in a way that ensures that those students have the maximum chance of succeeding. These counselors are generally well-traveled themselves and, aside from understanding the complex bureaucratic issues involved with studying abroad, also understand the psychological and personal aspects of being in a country other than your own. These counselors can be great assets in making yourself feel more at home when you may be thousands of miles away from your home nation.

When you’re interacting with these counselors, make sure that you get the impression that they actually want you to succeed. There are some universities out there that are really only worried about getting you in the door and, most importantly, with getting your checks into their accounts. Not all universities are like this. Some of them are genuinely interested in accommodating international students and will go out of their way to make sure that the students have the best chance of getting in to the US and of getting into the university itself. You’ll generally have to go with your instincts in this regard, but you may want to take a look at the university’s website to see how much space they dedicate to helping out foreign students who are interested in attending that particular university.

Universities that truly appreciate international students will have plenty of resources available for you. The international student advisors will always be available to answer questions that you may have, and may even be available online. The financial aid department will know when they can handle your questions and when you need to go to a specialist. This level of service is something that an international student has every right to expect during their time in the United States.

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