The tragic thing about house fires is in the majority of cases fires could have been prevented. In life, knowledge is power. Fire prevention week provides fire prevention knowledge to children. The sooner kids learn about the dangers of fire, the better. Fire prevention week is celebrated every October and is a great time for parents and teachers to unite in a great cause. There are great fire prevention week products that can help spread an important message.
It seems like every time people turn on the news, there is another natural disaster rocking the world’s landscape. Like natural disasters, fires can be deadly. Unlike natural disasters, fires can be prevented. Teaching children the dangers of fire, during fire prevention week could save their lives, and the lives of their family. Kids are curious. They love trying out new things, but in many cases they don’t realize the risk factors. Fire prevention week is a great time to reinforce fire safety plans. Parents can do their part by keeping lighters, matches, and other fire starters out of the reach of their children. They can also regularly check the batteries of their fire alarm, and buy children books focused on fire prevention week.
Fortunately, for both parents and teachers there are great online sources for fire prevention week materials. Materials like books on the ABC’s of fire safety. These books will feature tips on fire prevention, and what kids should do in case of a fire emergency. Planning the best escape route is an important asset in fire safety. Fire prevention week teaches kids not to be afraid of fire fighters. When kids in a fire see firemen in full gear, they may become startled. By teaching your children that fire fighters are friends, they are more likely to respond positively to their instructions. This simple fact could end up saving lives. Items like pens, stickers, and fire prevention week themed erasers can all make an impact. The more parents and teachers enforce the positive messages of fire prevention week, the more likely kids will soak up the message. This October, due your part and help celebrate fire prevention week.