Education -Cosmic Intuition or Material Eldorado

“Every revolution was first a thought in one man’s mind.”-Chetan Bhagat’s Five Point Someone-What not to do at IIT is such an attempt to change the faulty education system.One should run after excellence,not after success.Like a torch that passed from runner to runner,the idea of bringing revolution in the education sytem has been passed by the film 3 idiots carrying it further towards the original goal of Chetan Bhagat.Before Chetan Bhagat ,there are many versalite and dynamic writers,philosophers who have tried their best to raise voice against the current faulty Indian education system.These revolutions begin in the best heads like Swami Vivekanda ,Jiddu Krisnamurty,run steadily down to the populace. Swami Vivekananda always regarded the real education as the unique canvas where  the integrity of  man’s soul is displayed,painted. But at the same time he says the present education system is faulty as it does not have any definite goal as it is not aware of the fact that what to be displayed on the canvas.He really wanted a successful fusion and conglomeration of the intutive and spirituality of Indian culture and technically advanced western culture to land in a world of wisdom beyond the world of Eldorado.J.Krisnamurty says,”There is no end to education.It is not that you read a book, pass an examination,and finish with education.The whole of life from the moment you are born to the moment you die ,is a process of learning.”Futhermore he says,”Many people in the world are independent ,but a few are free.Freedom is a spiritual quality.”He rightly says that the individual consciousnes who have splited from the cosmic-consciousness must gain higher values by the true understanding of one’s self ,implicitly.On the otherhand how to perceive or how to look into the world is a great thing,it is also understood from within one’s self.

But a third-world country like India,where dualism is often seen after the colonisation and globalization.What is the output of so-called educated India?No doubt many development and growth of Indian economy has occured in terms of GDP.Corruption,Poverty,unemployment,social evils like dowry system,domestic violence and manymore on the one-hand live-in-relationship,brain drain or human capital flight and manymore on the other-hand are the illutrations in the macrocosm micocosm. If we consider the agricultural rural India,then children don’t have their basic amenities of life like food, shelter and clothing.They are really trapped in the vicious circle of poverty,which is really a puzzle for them.Then how can they gain excellence or I will write a poetry with hungry stomach.Even if they go to primary schools in the rural area where availability and knowledge of teachers is a question of surprise.They only go to school for the purpose of having free mid-day-lunch.Furthermore if we proceed to a relatively urban India,then maximum parents force their children to study science.Some also appreciate commerce.But they think to study Arts and humanities is matter of wastage.The brilliant example is the Hindi film Udaan(2010),where 17 yr old Rohan passionately desires to be a writer despite his father’s wish,who wants to make him study  science.When Alexander Pope,an eighteenth-century English poet was a small child,he never used to do mathematics properly,he loved to write poetries.But one day his father locked him inside a room and commanded to finish mathematics when  he comes back.But he was extremely surprised when he found that Pope had not done his mathematics.He was very angry with his son and was to beat him,but at the very moment the child said with tears,”Papa papa pity take,never I shall verses make”His Father recognised this with real appreciation and was extremely glad at that moment.But how many parents really understand this?But how far their idiosyncrasies are correct,for they think their children will do good jobs and become financially sound.Education sytem has been commercialized.Perhaps the British economict Geoffrey Crowther is correct by using his brilliant pen in his book  ”An outline of money”,that to the whole commercial side of man’s social existance money is the essential invention on which all the rest is based.How to get exellence when everybody thinks of becoming successful.

Moreover if we will proceed to the metros-may be the global India,where we found live-in-relationships which is very contrary to Indian norms and values.Western civiliazation has really many good aspects which we have never adopted.A small example is in the United Kingdom,moving vehicles like buses,cars etc stop potilely and allows  a pedestrian to cross a road.Is it not real education to adopt this in Indian context to become global?

Brain drain is due to getting better facilies in the developed countries where the government bear a great burden like education expenses, medical expenses and many more.

The founder poet of Oriya language,Vyasakabi Fakir Mohan Senapati,in his short story Rebati tried to bring a revotution in the then rural India and raised voice for female education and women emancipation 25 yrs before the British rule and  much before the October Revolution of Russia.

Then whom to blame?Corruption, Government,or the socio-economic,political and psychological factors for this faulty education system.Despite the social thinkers,philosophers have tried to bring revotution in the education system from the grass-root-level ,but how far it has been trickled down is a question.





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