Celebrate Fire Prevention Week

Fire prevention week is a very important time for children. It is a great week to inform youngsters the proper protocol, for fire prevention.  Fire prevention week goes above and beyond, simply informing kids to stop, drop, and roll. Instead, fire prevention week will work on preventing fires, being prepared for fires, having an escape route in case of an emergency, and much more. Kids will learn all the steps necessary, to optimize their chances of avoiding and surviving a fire.

Like any other problem, education is the best step in prevention. Teaching kids the danger of lighters, matches, and other fire starters they may encounter is extremely important. If young children understand the dangers of these devices, they will avoid using them. Fire prevention week can also spread awareness to parents. Making sure all fire hazards are out of reach of young children is critical. While students are learning important lessons, with fun fire prevention week books, stickers, and other paraphernalia, parents are encouraged to get involved. Checking the batteries in the fire alarm, planning a family escape route, and purchasing a fire extinguisher are some of the great ways, parents can protect their children.

There are great online sources, which provide fire prevention week materials. Books can be extremely beneficial, in teaching small children about firefighters.  It is important that young children can recognize a firefighter. When house fires occur and fireman enter a house, they will give instruction to children. It is important that kids understand, fireman are there to protect them, and follow their instruction.  There are great instructional books, which explain why fireman can be trusted and why they wear particular fireman gear. This October, take advantage of fire prevention week in your school and in your home. It could save a life.

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