Since World War Two the extended family has experienced huge changes. Close extended families provide children with opportunities to express their real feelings and relate at a more intimate level. Regular family get together oblige them to relate to different types of people, nice and nasty, simple and complicated. At any family function, children banter and tease, argue and fight, then make up and laugh together, all within a brief period. Whereas, in families who encounter their extended family only at weddings, funerals, or for a toxic few hours at Christmas, Thanksgiving or Easter, their opportunities to relate are severely handicapped.
Changes in the nuclear family:
Over the past few decades this close, core unit has changed and now functions differently, including the obvious change of divorce and remarriage. Many children have no father, while their single mother is stressed, depressed or traumatized. Modern technology has reduced the need for regular family activities like washing the dishes together. Most parents are very busy, and many are bogged down by their responsibilities. They rely on their partner, relatives or childcare, and are unavailable for hands-on involvement with their children. They create fewer opportunities to develop consistent discipline systems. Their children lack the opportunity to learn how to respect others and to then internalize their personal and social boundaries. Alternatively, parents belong to the ‘me’ generation and often spend more time developing their own needs, which leaves less time for parenting their children. They overcompensate by spoiling their children, turning them into prince/princess-in-training bullies. At dinnertime, instead of chatting around the kitchen table, children are confronted with a kitchen bench, a television or meal shifts. There is less family time for talking and mutual support.
Stressed children are forced to share their school problems during the time available between their parents’ flexi-working hours, chauffeuring to numerous after-school activities, the car radio or between mobile phone calls. Unless the shy, insecure target is given the opportunity during a meal or at other special sharing times, she may try once or twice to tell her parents, but then give up.
The electronic ‘Blah Blah’ Revolution
Instead of encouraging valuable socializing time, many parents want their children to be ‘safe’ inside, so they replace the social void with the toys of the electronic revolution: all-day cyber babysitting screens, computer games and television.
Too much electronic time can lead to depression, social isolation and loneliness. The microchip seems to have created a generation of angry boys who have little exercise or emotional release, except to fight back, while girls watch enormous amounts of television instead of playing with siblings or neighbors. In fact, the microchip itself has created a new type of abusive power. Cyber bullying is devious, unavoidable, and invades a child’s safest retreats. Malicious rumors can be spread quickly to a large audience at any time; anonymous messages can be quite devastatin.
By: Francis David