Category Archives: Childhood Education

Children are a gift of God and the first stage in every individual’s life. Even the grown up people now were in that stage once upon a time. Hence, everyone should remember how it felt to be that age and what were the restrictions and the problems that one can face. Having said this, it is also noteworthy that not every person is born equal, and each child has different abilities and qualities. While some are extremely athletic, others are extremely smart, and some have both the qua......
Get a Jump Start on it! Start by looking around and talking to people in your community. Often times people are attracted to what they think childcare should be, in many cases in-home daycares. Really take a look to see whtat the pros and cons are in every situation. Never put yourself in a position where your rushing because this is one decision you do not want to mess up on. You can start by looking in some local ads, especially classified like craigslist or ads in the local papers. You ......
I just heard the story of the parents at a Florida elementary school who are embroiled in a battle over procedures their children must follow for the safety of a child with a peanut allergy. To protect this child, the other children must wash their hands twice a day, rinse their mouths out after lunch, and avoid bringing any foods with peanuts to school. Seems reasonable to me. Unfortunately, these parents are having their “healthy” children walk a picket line with signs readin......
Child care is a job that many people really love doing. However, these days, you need to study child care in order to work in the industry. They enjoy the variety and the fun – and the satisfaction that comes from watching a child progress and develop. There’s never been a better time to work in Early Years and Childcare. It’s a fast growing sector and there is an increasing demand for staff at all levels. There are plenty of opportunities to gain training and qualifications, ......
“Music, dance, drama, and story are the oldest ways human beings learned to pass on information, traditions, customs, and beliefs…. In the vocabulary of some Native American and African languages, there is no word for art, because art is part of everything the people do. Children are natural connectors. Similarly, they see the performing arts as part of everything they do” (Mimi Brodsky Chenfeld; article: Derry Koralek Young Children, March 2010, p. 10). As we continue our ser......
Buying toys for those little ones is indeed very exciting and pleasing idea. Parents and kids have always enjoyed doing this together. Children love to play with the toys for few days till that new feeling is there. Some weeks later their interest and the attachment towards the same toy vanishes into the thin air. You want your child to eat healthy foods and you cook for him or her keeping all the requirements in mind. But the kid finds paper pieces or potato skin tastier than the home mad......
Every time your baby or toddler is crying, do you wish you could understand what he meant? Do you wish she could tell you why she is throwing tantrums? That would be great but at the age of 1 to 3, how can she do that? Well, there is a saying that actions speak louder than words. And with your child, this will be fun! And Wendy Jensen knows exactly what you need – the Sign Language For Babies and Beyond eBook. This will help you understand what your kid is trying to say by teaching him si......
In the face of their stupendous ability, elegant apprentice with erudition feels frequently encompass troubles by means of the bodily invention of revision, and by means of the in print productivity, association, recollection, and understanding drill requires. At additional period, these children appear to be typical kids for the reason that their vividness and their erudition hardness are covering one an extra. Present be in addition kids who, in spite of be deficient in of some predictab......
There’s a lot of discussion and talk about public versus private universities and how to get the most bang for your buck in the arena of college, but often overlooked is options for primary (ie. K-12) education. Some people believe in using the public schools while others believe in sending their kids to a private school, but there is lots of middle ground. We spent a lot of time this year looking for that middle ground. My oldest child will be starting kindergarten this fall, and al......
Children with autism struggle with the capacity to comprehend and interpret signals that are communicated is social contexts. It can be difficult to “speak their language” in a way that sinks in and hits home easily. Professor Beetoven and his cast of characters offer a simplified, open and plain way of teaching children with autism not only scientific facts about nature, but also how people think and relate to each other. A cartoon children’s ebook, The Pacific Ocean, il......