Autism – Spotting the Symptoms

As Autism is no longer new to us it is now possible for parents to see symptoms of the condition in their children from an early age.  Research has shown that the condition can be visible in children as young as 1 years old, although this can be quite rare.

Autism tends to be easier to spot in children once they reach the toddler phase of their childhood as behavioral trends become easier to recognize.  One of the key identifiers in autism is that the child may not be aware of, or take much interest in their surroundings.  A normal child will recognize light and sounds and want to interact with them.  A child suffering from autism will be more withdrawn and not show much interest in what is going on around them.  In a way it may seem like they are in their own little world.

As a ‘normal’ child grows they become more advanced in the way they interact with objects and people.  For example, communicating with other people is a healthy, normal part of growing up but sometimes, a child with autism will be more withdrawn in that they wont even smile or acknowledge someone in the same room.

‘Play’ is a very important part of any children’s child hood.  Through play a child will learn how to act out situations from the real world.  For children suffering from autism this can be a challenge in itself as they often wont want to interact with other children therefore making ‘Play’ very difficult.

Whilst these symptoms don’t definitely define autism they are a good indication that the child is autistic.  If you suspect that your child is suffering from autism there are many support groups and specially trained pediatricians that can help.  An autistic child doesn’t have to suffer alone.  As they grow they are able to take part in activities with other sufferers and it is highly recommended that they attend specialist education where they can be supervised by qualified teachers, nurses and carers.

Autism can present additional challenges to a child, but it shouldn’t stop them from having a good quality of life.

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