Asperger’s Syndrome

Of the four autism spectrum disorders, Asperger’s Syndrome is more common in children of elementary school age and older. It is very similar to high-functioning autism, with several overlapping symptoms. Like autism, its cause is unknown, and it is indiscriminate in its victims, affecting a wide range of families without regard to wealth, race, or sex.

Diagnosing the Disorder

Unlike autism, which is diagnosed in the very early stages of childhood, Asperger’s is not generally noticed until later developmental stages.  Asperger’s is often diagnosed between the ages of 4 and 9 years of age. Because children with Asperger’s tend to retain early learning skills such as language, and because some of the symptoms may not become apparent until later, the child may appear to have normal development.

Signs of this disorder vary, as well as the severity of the symptoms, as a child diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome may not exhibit all of the classic symptoms such as:

* Lack of empathy
* Awkward body postures
* One-sided conversations
* Intense obsession with certain subjects
* Monotonous or fast speaking voice
* Clumsy movements
* Not understanding humor
* Social awkwardness

As with most developmental disorders, one of the most prevalent symptoms is in the area of social interaction. Children with this disorder seem to be emotionally distant, lacking empathy or emotional connections. They are unable to pick up on non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and body language, and they often fail to hear or understand verbal inflection, tone, and pitch.



Another sign of Asperger’s is difficulty in learning even simple motor skills, such as using silverware or catching a ball. Walking, too, is difficult, as they usually have little to no coordination. Sometimes, sensory perception may be sensitive. A child may be extremely bothered by a light or small noise that no one else notices.

A particular characteristic common in Asperger’s is a narrow field of interest, in which they are experts, having a textbook knowledge of that particular subject. Conversation revolves around their favorite topic, and it is often difficult to steer the conversation in a different direction. Through a lack of social skills, a child with this disorder may not notice the listener’s attempts to change the subject or even leave.

Treating the Disorder

Treatment for Asperger’s Syndrome involves a combination of therapies designed to assist a child’s mental and physical development. These therapies address the child’s inability to act appropriately in social situations and include speech workshops to aid in conversational skills; cognitive behavioral therapy is also used for emotional management to ease anxiety and emotional outbursts.

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