Article 389: Characteristics of Excellent Administrators and School Teachers

 Hasan Yahya, Ph.Ds, Professor of Ed’l Administration

The best method of teaching in China,  involves eyes, ears, and hands. In other words, seeing, hearing and doing are the best methods of instruction with different memorizing time.

It is almost a common agreement among educators that teachers Characteristics of good and excellent teachers cover dealing with  three important  areas:  They are: the Psychological, the soci-Cultural, and  the technological area.

Personal Skills in these areas are recommended  for teachers and administrators, but excellent teachers and principals, may be more skillful using them. For example, education major usually cover these areas, but teachers are different when applying them in the school situation or class management. Students are different too in terms of race, color, mental ability, age, and achievement scale.

Considering the three areas constitute schooling whither general administration or managing  classrooms. They are the learner, the curriculum and the method of delivering the material. Eac of them has part connected with the characteristics of excellent teachers.

The psychological area as a teacher’s skill,  determines how the teacher solve problems, establish trust, and tailor made methods of delivery. As students differ, teachers also differ. In this case, dealing with everyday behavioral conflicts between students or in the way of introducing the material excellent teachers have to be equipped with psychological skills to apply behavioral theories to fit the situation.

The socio-cultural area is another skill must be obtained by teachers. But excellent teachers have to know and understand the social and cultural domain where students grow up and communicate on daily bases. This includes families and communities students live in, the social status of parents, number of children, and order of students in the family. Attention should be given also to the students’ mental and physical diabilities level.

The technological area  is the third major skill where excellent teachers and administrators as well, should have expertise to deliver the material and solve the problems may rise during the process of learning. In today’s world, students sometimes are more clever than their teachers, and sometimes have knowledge much more than their teachers. Therefore, participation is a vital method to deliver the material learned.

I believe taking into consideration the Chinese proverb will enhance knowledge of the three areas necessary to qualify as a teacher. Because hearing may stay for a while, and seeing may survive a longer time. But learning by doing never forgotten in life. (412 words)

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